1. Android Folder Structure

S. M. Shakib Hossain
2 min readFeb 15, 2023


1.1 AndroidMainfest.xml:

The AndroidManifest.xml file is an important file in an Android project. It is the manifest file that provides essential information about the application to the Android system.

The AndroidManifest.xml file must be located in the root directory of the application and must be named exactly AndroidManifest.xml. The Android system uses the information in this file to determine how to launch the application and how to manage its components. It is important to maintain the accuracy and completeness of the information in this file to ensure the proper functioning of the application.

1.2 java:

In an Android project, the java folder is a directory that contains the source code written in the Java programming language. This directory is typically located in the app/src/main directory of an Android project and is used to store the main source code for the application.

The java folder is an essential part of an Android project, as it contains the source code that implements the functionality of the application. The code in this directory is compiled by the Android build system and is included in the final APK file that is distributed to users.

1.3 res:

The res (resources) directory is an important directory in an Android project. It contains all the resources that the application uses, including images, layouts, strings, styles, and other resources. The resources in this directory are used by the application at runtime, and they are packaged into the final APK file that is distributed to users.

The res directory is divided into several subdirectories, each representing a specific type of resource.

1.4 AppCompactActivity:

The AppCompatActivity class is part of the Android Support Library and is located in the androidx.appcompat.app package. The AppCompatActivity class is a subclass of the android.app.Activity class and provides support for the ActionBar user interface pattern, which is used to provide navigation and other actions in the app.



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